
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Alien has Landed!

God has been so Good , He has answered our prayers,  the time of waiting is over (for now). It's been a long season of waiting, thought it would never end. All the answers weren't what we wanted   but  God Knows exactly what He is doing  and working all things to Good for His Glory with His Perfect timing not mine which is shortsighted anyway.  Well to be more specific we didn't win the court battle we waited and appealed for, that would have gotten our finances turned around and then some, I did get a job that is way different  then I would have ever thought or imagined. I first was led to volunteer when I heard about this place through our Church, then applied to work there when I saw they had an opening. So am now working in the inner city of Edmonton, Canada with the homeless, street and people in crises of life with great need and are in ...