The Alien has Landed!

God has been so Good, He has answered our prayers,  the time of waiting is over (for now). It's been a long season of waiting, thought it would never end. All the answers weren't what we wanted   but God Knows exactly what He is doing and working all things to Good for His Glory with His Perfect timing not mine which is shortsighted anyway.
 Well to be more specific we didn't win the court battle we waited and appealed for, that would have gotten our finances turned around and then some, I did get a job that is way different  then I would have ever thought or imagined. I first was led to volunteer when I heard about this place through our Church, then applied to work there when I saw they had an opening. So am now working in the inner city of Edmonton, Canada with the homeless, street and people in crises of life with great need and are in transition. I am working at a place called The Mustard Seed  as a "Street level worker" The Mustard  Seed is a multifaceted non prophet Org. (  ) that does many things to help people in need and to help them get their lives back on track. They have a drop-in in the afternoon where  the community can gather and get warm (its very cold up here in the winter) they have a dinner, a emergency closet and have art, sewing, and movie nights. They also have a food bank and programs to connect people to other help get folks the help they need.I Love working in a place were I can show the Love of Jesus to the hurting and the poor or those who may have lost their way or even been through abuse.
 I am from the U.S.A born in Vancouver, Washington State. My wife is a Canadian, we have been married 7yrs now and have lived in Edmonton for over 3yrs. I have been waiting for my permanent residency  for Canada. On Dec. 14th. at about 10:30 I became a "Landed Immigrant "   I am no longer a Alien in Canada! 
 God has brought us into a "New Season" of change and I look forward to all God has in store for our future.
 May God Bless You in All His Love and Truth this Christmas season and lets rejoice together that God came to earth and became a man so being without sin he could pay the penalty  of our sin so we could be restored to "Our Father" and live forever together with all those who have accepted his offer and believe in Jesus and His "Good News". Have you asked Jesus into your heart? have you let him pay for your sin? Do you know where you will go when you die? if not Today is the Day! will you chose Good or evil? Accept the Truth or believe the lie? Do you want to be Forgiven "Born again?" Just say this Prayer and ask Jesus to Come into your life Today, He loves you and accepts you right where you are. You can't be good enough or change enough for God to Love you More, He will meet you right where your at and Join you on your Journey through life. 

 God please forgive me for my sin, come into my Heart, I accept your payment for my sin and ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit and show me the way , Thank you for Loving me, teach me and guide me, Help me to Love others and to Love you with all my Hear, Mind and soul. Amen.


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