My Daughters Birthday!

My youngest daughter lives with my sister and her husband (In the U.S.A.) far away from were I live, (In Canada) I haven't seen here in a year, I wanted so much to be there for her and spend some time together (but I haven't found a way to afford air fare at this time:) I miss her so much she is such a special little princes and growing up so fast. She has been working with Horses and has a way with them, its been good therapy for her. I will keep praying for the funds to go see her and with God all things are possible!, I talk to her on the phone but not as much as I would like to.
 She is with a wonderful Christian family that Love Jesus and Have a Biblical world view so are values are the same, She has always been in a good Loving environment.
 She has some mental and developmental struggles which can   be very overwhelming to anyone she is involved with  and I can never express how deeply thankful I am to my sister an her family for all they have done and are doing for her.
 Please Pray for Andrea and for my sister and for me to be able to go for a visit soon! 
 Her Birthday is coming soon (The time I was able to visit)  I will call her and send her a e-card and tell her how much she is Loved and missed, How I wish I could be there with her and how she is always in my heart and prayers. She is going to be a wonderful woman as she going to overcome her struggles in coping with life, All her family has been through a lot, I know however God is still in control and will work all things to good that he has a plan for good, I believe the compassion she has in her Heart and the experience and progressive victory of  her struggles will be someday used by God to help others as well has they people in her life will be used by God to give experiences, strength and Hope to parents and family's with similar issues which no one could Possibly understand with out living through the daily exasperation's these precious children like my wonderful daughter can dish out.
 I  want to just say to my sister and my Brother Thank you!!! With all of my Heart for Being such wonderful people and In fact lets pray for all the parents, caretakers and family that live every day with these changing people with mental illness and special needs.  I know God will reward you in this live (and the next forever) for making a difference in the lives of His (Gods) children, that have such great needs and constant persistent guidance.
I Love you! Andrea! May the angles of God watch over and protect you May the healing power of God come upon you! May you be Blessed with All His Love and Truth!!!
Love your dear old Daddy David.


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