Consider the road

Matthew 10:24-25, NIV: "A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master..."
"Consider Christ. The road Christ walked was not a glamorous one. It promised nothing of worldly goods or gain. It was not a road that led to satisfaction and financial comfort while on this earth. It was a road of self-denial, self-sacrifice--self-death. It was a road that led to a cross on a hill of death, appropriately named Golgotha, "the place of the skull." If to follow Christ means to walk the road He walked, does it not also mean to die, truly die, to self? If to follow Christ means to call Him Master, does it not also mean that it is enough for us to be like our Master? Can we call Him Master and follow Him without walking the road that He walked? Consider Christ. Consider the road that He walked. Consider what He gave up for the Father and for us. Consider what it means to call Him Lord and Master. In all things...consider Christ."
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