What makes LOVE so Amazing?

"A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another;as I have loved you,that ye also love one another."

 Hello world I know I haven't done much blogging lately, I Have been to busy, even obsessed  at getting my computer to work optimally with Google Chrome.
 It was very  busy at the food bank on Thursday, and last Monday at the coffee bar,  where  I volunteer with the Mustard seed, It is so awesome to work for God and to be a part of a team who wants to show and share Gods Love by serving and building relationships in the community,  Joining with God in what He wants to do around and through us if we just surrender to His will. I Love being in unity with the purposes of the Kingdom of heaven.
 I have been waiting all week for a answer to a job opportunity,  I really  feel like its were God has called me ("For such a time as this") so I could use some prayer. Thanks!!! to those led by the Holy Spirit to Pray for the saints and the workers involved in His Harvest.
 Been  Reading a lot of devotions about God's Ways on the Internet and felt led to share this devotion with you today. May God Bless you and Keep you in All His LOVE and Truth!
 Your humble servant of the Lord: David

The Value of Faith

The value of faith cannot be disputed. In fact, Hebrews 11:6 states, "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God, must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."(NKJV) Without faith, we couldn't come to Christ, and without faith, we couldn't walk in obedience to him. Faith often motivates us to move forward even when the odds are against us. In a sense faith is closely related to hope.

The Value of Hope

Hope keeps us going when the situation we face seems impossible. Hope is the expectation that we will obtain something specific we desire. Think of how life would be without hope. Hope is there for the single mom who doesn't know how she is going to feed her children and keep a roof over their heads. She might give up, if it were not for the hope that some type of breakthrough is right around the corner. Hope is a gift from God that can bring joy in the midst of very difficult circumstance. Hope encourages us that victory is imminent.
I wouldn't want to live a life without faith, and I wouldn't want to live a life without hope. However, in spite of how wonderful, important, and life-changing both faith and hope are, they pale in comparison to love. The Bible states that love is greater than both faith and hope.

The Greatest of These is Love

What makes love so amazing? For starters, it is what motivated the Father to send His only Son to die for us. Without love, there would have been no redemption for mankind. Not only would we be without love, but without the redemption that was precipitated by love, there would also be no faith, and no hope. You see, nothing else matters, without love. It is foundational for every other good thing in our lives.
Rebecca Livermore is a freelance writer, speaker and guest contributor for About.com. Her passion is helping people grow in Christ. She is the author of the weekly devotional column Relevant Reflections on www.studylight.org and is a part-time staff writer for Memorize Truth (www.memorizetruth.com). For more information visit Rebecca's Bio Page.


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