Living in the Light

God Bless you all Today!
 How are you doing today?
Last night we had are darling granddaughters, Rorie and Audrey overnight, it is such a blessing to learn all over the wisdom and simple faith of children.
 It has taken me over 40 some years to develop the habit of praying every morning before I start my day,(after I grab a cup of coffee of course)  I use a prayer I learned that goes like this "God I offer myself to you to build with me and do with me as you will, relive me from the bondage of self, talk away my difficulty's that victory over them may bare witness to those I may help of your Love your Power and your way of live, may I do your will aways"
 Then I will pray more from my heart and ask the Holy Spirit to be with me and guide me. I remind myself that today is a new day and I should live it to its utmost! I remind myself to be thank full of all of Gods Blessings and try to Kindle the Hope that maybe Today my answers to things I am waiting for or maybe all have some victory over things I have been struggling with. I hope Today I will be teachable and learn from my mistakes. On my I pod I have about 80 some deep worship songs and like to pray, put it on shuffle and let my self go to the presence of God (I usually fall asleep when I do this).
  Well were off to church with the grand kids. We go to a great church that's in a old movie theater downtown, it is Spiritual and Bible based very relational (Not religious) Worshiping and fellowship with the "Body of Christ"  is a wonderfull thing. I Highly recomend it. Have a wonderfull day or night God Bless you in All His Love and Truth!!!!


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