The still small voice
For some things answers to our prayers takes years and we can lose hope along the way but one way or the other: Yes, No, Wait or maybe the answer will come and "All things work together for Good to those who Love God and are called according to His purpose"
When we Pray for something or something we might get a answer right away but sometimes it may be years before we see the reward of our efforts. After the fact hindsight shows us how things need to play out or things needing to be done first or take place, Maybe we just weren't ready or needed to learn or experience something for God to Use us. The Good news is the answer will always come eventually weather we like the outcome or its a completely different outcome then we thought it would be sometimes better "More then we could Hope or Imagine" worth the wait. sometimes sad overwhelming and we just cant understand why (at least for now).
I have been going through a tough time for several years after moving to Canada. I pray and pray for God to use me and to show me the path he has for me. In Lot's of ways I have been able to do "good" things to help others but in the big picture the answer seems to be wait or not yet, or all get my hopes up and it doesn't work out. God has shown me a trend for a while changing my entire life in the career department. I always pray that I would get a job were I can be used by Him and be a part of "What He is doing".
My occupations in my adult life has always been sales related in the resort industry allowing me to live in lots of wonderful places were I enjoy the beauty of Gods Creation. In sales I felt there was a aspect of lying and manipulations even if just over exaggerating or creating urgency or fear even preying on people's dreams or there weakness's. Don't get me wrong I sold a amassing product that I believe in my favorite and usually the first thing I would say is "So are you the kind of person that Loves your family and enjoys the beauty of God Creation?" Who could say no to that A (my first set up). But I manipulated and enticed many people to buy something they could not afford or was not right for them at the time. God started to draw me away from this Life and finally closed the doors over time in this occupation (Which I was very successful by way) Which lead to a whole other topic of pride and self effeteness.
I Have always prayed and I try every day to spend time with God and to (Listen!) But sometime it seem am all alone or God has forgotten me, But then the Holy Spirit reminds me of Hos Words His promises and I never give up Hope! Always holding out for one more day, and hopefully growing learning and even being prepared for what God has in store for my Life after all ("His plans for me our for Good and not evil to give me a future and a Hope" )
As I write this I have been without work and in need of a job for some time, often feeling worthless, forgotten rejected and afraid, But God has been putting it in my hart that a 'new season " is coming I just know my answer is on the way and I know It is in God perfect timing (not mine) so Today I give myself to Him ask to be relieved of the bondage of self so I can better do His will I ask God to Take away my difficulties so that victory over them may bear witness to those He might bring across my path today and give me the overwhelming opportunity to join Jesus in what he is doing in someone Elsie's life and bring some experience, strength ,Hope and encouragement to You!
God Bless everyone in All God LOVE & Truth to Hold on for one more day! The Victory the answer the Redemption is on it way even at the door.The Victory the answer the Redemption is on it way even at the door. So remember to live for today! ("tomorrow has enough worries of it own") Now is the time we have to enjoy! It is the very present from God Your Victory! Coming soon!
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