Demons and evil spirits

There was one night I had a dream: I was in a beautiful park siting on the ground with several people praying, all of a sudden a young woman started to curse, blaspheme, yelling in what sounded like many voices angrily thrashing about, everyone stoped praying and I thought some one needs to cast out this demon! when no one else did anything I stood up and said boldly "I command you to come out of this girl in Jesus name!" immediately she started convulsing violently then it seemed to leave her as she fell to the ground and started sobbing. I knelt down to comfort her sand see if she was all right, suddenly this force powerfully reentered the woman as she threw herself at m, saying "were in your "xxxx" God now" I felt it enter into my soul and shockingly I woke up I could not breath or move and felt a great evil and felt like this attacking evil was going to kill me! The room was dark but
I saw in the corner of the room this blackness that was darker then the rest of the room with a presence of pure evil. I had never been so scared in all my life, as I was in frozen in this second which felt like a eternity, I started to praying in the "tongs" of the Holy Spirit and the for the power of the "Blood of Jesus"(in my head for I couldn't move) the evil eventually started to fade and I could move and breath again, the dark presence was gone but I was left shocked to the core.
I could not believe what had happened to me, could this be real? Well I saw a show on TV the other day and the exact thing it turns out has been reported for century's all over the world. This dream only happened to me the one time in my Life, but I will never forget the feeling of that evil presence attacking me, but also knowing that the power of God when called upon is greater. In the days following while I was In Youth with a mission I had several real encounters with demons in other ways which I might share at another time. God Bless You and Keep you safe!
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