The Path?

I read this saying: the other day:  "does the traveller choose  the path, , or does the path chose the traveller?"
  Good question, I thought to myself thinking about what the answer should be. Then popped into my head another saying: "if you don't plan the hunt your just waking in the woods". 
 So after much mental debate  I concluded that however easy it might be to just let the path chosen for me  I would think God would have me choosing the right path being lead by the Holy Spirit to join Him in what His plan for my future may be. 
 So I ask myself am I even on the right path? did I chose this Path? did God? I then thought well I will give my will and my Life over to God so that "He will make my path straight" and I will enjoy what comes along the path today and be thankful for all the blessings in my life, I will take the path before me one step at a time and try just to do the next right indicated thing.
 Today I pray my path takes me into the sunlight of the Spirit and I can Join my Creator in what he wants to do with whatever he guides me to as I Journey on this path. 
 I thought to myself then am I even prepared for the Journey? What tools or weapons should I be carrying? am I prepared for any threat or enemy that I may come across on this journey? Knowing I can't give away what I don't have, just what do I have and what do I still yet need to be a useful servant, to carry the "Good news" on whatever the path I have chosen  to anyone I might cross paths with. Yes filled with the Holy Spirit  I walk my path as a Prince filled with all Love and Truth in humility taught to me by my Father in Heaven and His Only son who shed his pure sweet innocent  Blood to die paying  the penalty of Death allowing "the way" to salvation, redemption and restoration for those who chose to accept His Love, 
 Well I suppose the path I will choose is the path to surrender my will and chose to follow 'The Path" of the Good Shepard,  May I go where He sends me prepared from my experience, strength, and Hope leaving the bondage of pride and self behind. Today I am prepared for what comes on this path because I have my Sword for I am the righteousness of Christ by His great Love, mercy and Grace. Thank God for Life for I don't get the death penalty I deserve for the crimes simply because I accept the free Gift offered that my time, the penalty for all I have done is paid in full. I have received a full pardon and am free through Christ's Blood and walk in freedom! That the Traveller chooses the path  because of free will for the of real Love to allow the Unity of the Kingdom of Light. 
 God Bless you and Keep you in His will as you follow the path.


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