A part of my Testomony

When I was a teenager,  I got into some big trouble with the law, after a hitchhiking  adventure with a friend and our girlfriends.  I ended up in court and my Dad had found a way to get me into a non profit mission Org. called youth with a mission, in Lew of jail time. (This was a place for people that loved God and wanted to serve Him, they had never took a "Troubled Kid" as it were before)
 I had always Loved God despite the fact I had been living the rebellious life "drinking, sex,  drugs and Rock and Roll" and was very much against authority. During this time however I never quit asking my self the "Age old Questions"Why, What when and were??? 
 There were dorms were I had a bunk I remember a young man taking to me about how he was a homosexual and was empty and dead inside until he gave his heart to God and was filled with the Holy Spirit he said "Jesus shed his sweet precious Innocent Blood to pay for our crimes and restore us to God our  Heavenly Father so we can be in Relationship with Him and start on a new progressive Journey to live and understand All His Love and Truth! He said it would not be easy but Jesus would always be with you though every trail and lead you (if you chose to follow) down the path were we find Peace, Joy, Love, Kindness, Gentleness Faith and Self control.
  I decided to give my life back to God and embraced the program which was much worship, teaching from Gods word and evangelist from all over the word, on the"mission field" The Bible became fascinating to me were before it seemed boring and I started on a new path this new journey working through my struggles one day at a time but never alone, God My Father, Jesus my Lord and the Holy Spirit are always there to comfort and Guide me through the good times and the bad times weather I feel like He is there or not.
 I have found that it is the sick who need a Dr. A Christian is not some one who now thinks he can go around judging and thinking he is good but rather a Creation of God that realizes he was created for fellowship with God and Man and Cant do it on his Own, We are All  just sinners in need of  a saviour! The Best part is its FREE and God accepts us right were were at,  we don't  (can't) become "Good" first, He already knows everything about us and yet still paid the price of our freedom! So


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