Light overcomes the dakness

It seems to me that darkness is always trying to cover up the light, but the light wont have it, the Light is stronger and will always eventually dispel the darkness. Unlike my early days were I always wanted everything to be fixed right now! God has matured me, (over a very long time and very  slow progression) to be able to better wait things out. To move with the tide instead of against it you might say. Gods promises are coming exactly when they are supposed to. In the interim hopefully I might just learn a thing a or two along the way. Today I try to listen more then talk, encourage more then criticize and most of all try not to react to quickly to things, people or circumstance, for I have noticed things have a way of working themselves out. When I let God work and not try to run the show as they say "Their is a God and its not me".  So I  personally will try to enjoy this day God created for me, join God in what (and were) he wants to do with me today, being less centered on my self and more interested in what I can do for others.
God Bless you All In All His Love and Truth in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Love David


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