Hurts, hang ups and Habits

This Journey were all on is filled with a life time of learning and change, sometimes fast sometimes slow. Its a progressive involvement from the experience and choices we make. Some say "they will never change" some have built strongholds or habits that are so deeply ingrained that probably only God could help them change, if they asked Him to and believe ("He could and would if he were sought.)  For some this change is a miracle that happens "suddenly" put for most it is a process that might take days, months or in my case many years. For me my self-will and stubbornness kept me in bondage in a lot of areas for over 35 years with many small victory's but lots of set backs, relapses and failures.
 But I never gave up! every day I would Pray, reach out try to be a "OVERCOMER" no mater how many times I fell short I would eventually try again and you know what? Things got better, sayings would come to my mind that I have learned, (Lead by the Holy Spirit) A prayer or a slogan that I hear so often in Fellowship meetings or from the Bible like "One day at a time", "let go and let God", "live and let live""pause when upset", "take it easy". After all every day is a New day given to us by God. One of the most important things I found in recovery is to do "service work" give back, be in a fellowship, we need each other! Just as much as God if we are to change for the better. Always be teachable and have a open mind, do what is suggested by folks that have been through similar struggles and have had victory in there life's learning form there experience strength's and Hope, surround yourself with the winners and be accountable, Ultimately we should all have a mentor that understands and has gone through what we seek to change and very important is to let God use you to help and encourage others that are were you have been. Some say you need to hit a "bottom" before you will seriously admit you have a problem, but it has been my experience with many Relapses and set backs that you can always take back your will, jump back in the pit you've made and dig deeper I like the saying "you Hit bottom when you stop digging"there are a lot of thinking that I am not that bad when hearing others stories but for many they just haven't reached that point "YET"
 So were do we began if we need to make changes in our lives? when were sick and tired of being sick and tired, when were at the end of our preferable rope? On our knees! we will never start to change if we don't admit we have a problem, that we of our own making have lost control over it, were "Powerless". "But with God all things are Possible" We must believe in a Loving caring God, (Spiritual and relational) -  (not religious) that wants to help us and can and will if you seek him. God is a gentleman he will never force us to change he has in fact given us "Free Will" so we can Choose to Love or reject him, after all if he made us like robots programed to love him it would be meaningless, It has to be our choice and we have to admit, ask and continually work toward the promises he has given us if we seek Him. We must be quick to apologize when wrong and even faster to forgive! they say "Resentment is the number one defender" "make amends with those we harmed, as led by the Holy Spirit. and remember we have no control over people places or things. Don't fret over things we cant change but ask God for Wisdom to change the things we need to. (Just keep our side of the street clean)
 After all it all His design to bring us into relationship's with Him and each other for the purpose of All His LOVE and TRUTH!
God Bless you and never give up! Ask in the morning for God to be with you and Guide you and for His will (not our own ) be done, go through the day asking for wisdom and guidance. Don't forget we can start any time over if we blow it don't let the devil tell you "I screwed up might as well continue" Stop pray ask for wisdom and His strength (push the reset button) and go on with your day! Don't forget to ponder, pray and give thanks every day for the Blessings in your life. and Love one another with tolerance and Patience,  I am not were I want to be, but thank God I am not were I was! for this is a lifetime prorogation of learning and to those who Overcome will one day be free in the Kingdom of Heaven! Then our Journey really begins.
 Love you!


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