The Journey: Walking in the Light: God Bless you all Today! How are you doing today? Last night we had are darling granddaughters, Rorie and Audrey overnight, it is such...
My youngest daughter lives with my sister and her husband (In the U.S.A.) far away from were I live, (In Canada) I haven't seen here in a year, I wanted so much to be there for her and spend some time together (but I haven't found a way to afford air fare at this time:) I miss her so much she is such a special little princes and growing up so fast. She has been working with Horses and has a way with them, its been good therapy for her. I will keep praying for the funds to go see her and with God all things are possible! , I talk to her on the phone but not as much as I would like to. She is with a wonderful Christian family that Love Jesus and Have a Biblical world view so are values are the same, She has always been in a good Loving environment. She has some mental and developmental struggles which can ...
" A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another;as I have loved you,that ye also love one another." Hello world I know I haven't done much blogging lately, I Have been to busy, even obsessed at getting my computer to work optimally with Google Chrome. It was very busy at the food bank on Thursday, and last Monday at the coffee bar, where I volunteer with the Mustard seed, It is so awesome to work for God and to be a part of a team who wants to show and share Gods Love by serving and building relationships in the community, Joining with God in what He wants to do around and through us if we just surrender to His will. I Love being in unity with the purposes of the Kingdom of heaven. I have been waiting all week for a answer to a job opportunity, I really feel...
Today I am so Thankful, my gratefulness to God is over flowing, After waiting over 3 yr I now have been approved by Immigration, I am now both a US Citizen as well as a Canadian Landed Immigrant! After looking and applying for jobs for a very long time, applying day after day on line with only a few interview's out of hundreds of applications and no call backs, I have been given a Gift from God, my heart desire to work for a ministry and with people in need, building relationships and being right where God can use me, I can Join God in what he is doing there in the lives of broken and people that are in need and hurting in the large inner city of Edmonton Also I am very thankful for my wife and all her praying for me, for living in north America were we are so blessed with the convenience of every day life. and that God has given us more ...
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