The Path?

I read this saying: the other day: "does the traveller choose the path, , or does the path chose the traveller?" Good question, I thought to myself thinking about what the answer should be. Then popped into my head another saying: "if you don't plan the hunt your just waking in the woods". So after much mental debate I concluded that however easy it might be to just let the path chosen for me I would think God would have me choosing the right path being lead by the Holy Spirit to join Him in what His plan for my future may be. So I ask myself am I even on the right path? did I chose this Path? did God? I then thought well I will give my will and my Life over to God so that "He will make my path straight" and I will enjoy what comes along the path today and be thankful for all the blessings in my life, I will take the path before me one step at a ti...