
Showing posts from September, 2011


I heard a great story I would like to share with you today.  A man was on a journey, just going about life, following his own path. All seemed well for a while the sun was shining and he was happy most the time but he always felt like something was missing in his life. Along the the way he started feeling empty and a bit sick, he was getting very tired, He noticed some dark clouds coming and could sense a storm approaching but he kept on going even though he started noticing he was lost. Suddenly there was  great lightning bolts across the darkening sky as he was not watching where he was walking he fell into a deep pit. He was all alone and it was getting colder, darker then it started to rain.  The man was discouraged, empty, and felt foolish for ending up in this mess. He started to look for a way out but found it was to deep and the sides were slippery and he fell into a deep despair, He was stuck.  After sometime the clouds turned gray and h...

GOOD vs. EVIL???

"THE UNIVERSE IS SO VAST AND COMPLEX, THE ONLY THING WE REALLY HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER AT ALL IS OUR PERSONAL DECISION IS TO BE GOOD OR EVIL"   The answer seems so simple when we put it this way. Would you rather have: Love or hate be Happy or sad, stressed out or at peace and on on on we could go. Where does it get so complex? Any (sane) individual when asked these questions would chose the positive (wouldn't they?) but when groups, culture, race, nation's and crowd's get together it seems to get all muddled up. Is this just "sin the nature"?  Can't we just Love our fellow each other???  just All get along???  Well I know I Will go with Jesus and the wisdom of the Bible! the Fruit's of the spirit: LOVE, PEACE, JOY, KINDNESS, GENTLENESS, FAITH, HUMBLE, having ENDURANCE and PATIENCE.  So What should we do? I will let God work out the details and personally I will "Chose this day who will I serve" God Ble...


How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit - Part 1 by Dr. Bill Bright The following is taken from a booklet written by Dr. Bill Bright. It explains how Christians can live their Christian lives with fulfillment and not become defeated by sin. Have You Made the Wonderful Discovery of the S pirit- F illed L ife? E very D ay can be an Exciting Adventure for the Christian who knows the reality of being filled with the Holy Spirit and who lives constantly, moment by moment, under His gracious direction.The Bible tells us that there are three kinds of people. N atural M an (one who has not received Christ) " A natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised " (1 Corinthians 2:14). S piritual M an (One who is directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit)  C arnal M an (One who has received Christ, but who lives in defeat because he is t...


"There is a beautiful African concept called "Ubuntu" which can be understood as, " I am what I am because of who we all are.” The Apostle Paul once said, "Now, you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." When I think of these two phrases I realize 2 things: 1. I'm not a self-made man. Rather, who I am today is a result of the people who I have been in relationship with. Employers, acquaintances, exes, family, friends, etc.  2. I belong to something larger than myself. Jesus has "added me as a friend" to something much bigger than his Facebook profile. He's added me to his Kingdom. Far from being a pretty face on the team; I'm an essential highly-sought-after member. And so are you .  It is through relationship with God and others that we discover who we are and why we were made. Some would argue that you cannot separate "loving God" and "loving others" because they are one and the s...


 "Never changing and new every morning"  I woke up this morning and rolled out of bed, down to make coffee and clear up my head. with the brew in my hand I say to my God, Let your Spirit be with me and guide me today with you I know all things are possible, maybe today my breakthrough will come but as long as your with me I can keep going on. Please let me be a Blessing to those I may meet let me always be available to be your hands and feet.  I have started volunteering at the Mustered seed, its a place they serve dinner every night to about 300 street and needy folks they also have many other serves to offer. Today I am excited to bring my daughter Kyrstin who is visiting me from Idaho  It is a wonderful feeling to volunteer and serve I highly recommend it. God Bless!!!!!!!!

Home Alone

  My wife is away for a conference in the good old USA.  I am alone with my thoughts and the Holy Spirt, I Wonder when I look up at the sky at night,When are you coming back Lord? Are you Proud of me or should I be doing more? Did I sin to much to Long? Is it True you Love me like it says in the Bible? Why am I waiting so long for these Changes in my life? Will this dark season ever end? I think to myself a quote "God is rarely early, but He is never late" I say the serenity prayer "God grant me the serenity to accept the thing i can not change the courage to change the thins I can and the wisdom to know the difference"  Today I will simply do the right next indicated thing (lead by the Holy Spirt) I will do my Utmost and try to enjoy everyday life along the way.  Just maybe the Lord will encourage, give hope and show His Love through me, with those that He might have cross my path today.

On My way to the Celestral City

When I was younger I was very self centered,self willed and prideful. (I didn't think so at the time) I Was very good at any sport's I tried, Then in Sales (always the Best) Thought I could do anything on my own with enough will power and determination, like Nike "Just do it" was my motto. How has this Changed one might ask? Simply through life's mistakes, pain, struggles and failings. I neglected my family and responsibility's for years, partying, drinking after work with my peers then all day long on the weekends doing all kind of drugs any time I could. this eventually brought me into Isolation and depression it separates one from the "Sunlight of the Spirit". Now after many years of struggle,relapse starting over, surrendering not once but thousands of times growing slowly with progression not perfection, I know the person I am now is developing a kinder, gentler, understanding and empathy for others and God is showing me that that through my...