I heard a great story I would like to share with you today. A man was on a journey, just going about life, following his own path. All seemed well for a while the sun was shining and he was happy most the time but he always felt like something was missing in his life. Along the the way he started feeling empty and a bit sick, he was getting very tired, He noticed some dark clouds coming and could sense a storm approaching but he kept on going even though he started noticing he was lost. Suddenly there was great lightning bolts across the darkening sky as he was not watching where he was walking he fell into a deep pit. He was all alone and it was getting colder, darker then it started to rain. The man was discouraged, empty, and felt foolish for ending up in this mess. He started to look for a way out but found it was to deep and the sides were slippery and he fell into a deep despair, He was stuck. After sometime the clouds turned gray and h...