I heard a great story I would like to share with you today.

 A man was on a journey, just going about life, following his own path. All seemed well for a while the sun was shining and he was happy most the time but he always felt like something was missing in his life. Along the the way he started feeling empty and a bit sick, he was getting very tired, He noticed some dark clouds coming and could sense a storm approaching but he kept on going even though he started noticing he was lost. Suddenly there was  great lightning bolts across the darkening sky as he was not watching where he was walking he fell into a deep pit. He was all alone and it was getting colder, darker then it started to rain.
 The man was discouraged, empty, and felt foolish for ending up in this mess. He started to look for a way out but found it was to deep and the sides were slippery and he fell into a deep despair, He was stuck.
 After sometime the clouds turned gray and he felt a numbing almost a acceptance of his destruction. Time past until he looked up and saw a man walking by, He called out Hey! Can you help me? I am stuck down in this pit. Sure the man replied I am a Doctor. The Dr.  proceeded to throw him down a bottle of pills and said "this should help you out, take one 3 times a day" and he throw them down into the pit and walked away.  the man picked it up thinking "Is this what I need?" He swallowed 2 of the pills and fell into a restless sleep. He woke up looked around and still being alone in the pit he fell on his knees crying, feeling even more alone then before.
 A ray of light shined through the darkness as he thought he had glimpsed the Son, He felt Love from somewhere and it gave him Hope.
 A very religious woman had been walking by and heard crying, she looked down in the pit and was disgusted to see a dirty, wet, broken man, she yelled down at the man "hey there why are you in that pit? you need to get out of there and find God!" She took out a paper and pen wrote out a prayer and throw it down into the pit with a couple of dollars and walked away patting herself on the back, thinking I am so glad I am not like him.
 The man read the prayer, nothing happened so he sat down and waited, he started to think of all the bad things he had done and the people he had hurt and shamefully he took a handful of the pills the Dr. had given him, crumbled up and threw down the prayer the woman threw at him and feeling very lonely, stupid and remorseful he passed out.
 After what seemed like forever, day after day after day, he was strung out  remorsefully in his pit when he heard a mans voice calling out to him, he seemed so far away. "are you all right down there" the man said.
 I am fine replied the man in the pit. " "are you sure you don't want some help" said the man being persistent.
  Well  I have been stuck down here in this pit for a long time and there is know way out. Would you like to get out? said the man. Yes but I have tried everything. the man said (if ) you are willing to do what ever it  takes I can possibly help you. The Man in the pit yelled (YES) I would do anything to be free again.
 Suddenly the man from above jumped down into the pit!
"are you crazy the desperate man cried now were both stuck down here. " The Kind man smiled and said "yes I know, but I have been here before and I know the way out."
 It wasn't easy and it took some time but soon they were out of the pit waking together and the sun was breaking on a brand new day!


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