"There is a beautiful African concept called "Ubuntu" which can be understood as, "I am what I am because of who we all are.” The Apostle Paul once said, "Now, you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." When I think of these two phrases I realize 2 things:
1. I'm not a self-made man. Rather, who I am today is a result of the people who I have been in relationship with. Employers, acquaintances, exes, family, friends, etc. 
2. I belong to something larger than myself. Jesus has "added me as a friend" to something much bigger than his Facebook profile. He's added me to his Kingdom. Far from being a pretty face on the team; I'm an essential highly-sought-after member. And so are you

It is through relationship with God and others that we discover who we are and why we were made. Some would argue that you cannot separate "loving God" and "loving others" because they are one and the same. In other words, the journey towards maturity of faith does not begin in isolation but in community. 

Shared Community is the initiative to facilitate environments for relationships to be started, nurtured and deepened so that Christ is formed in us. (Galatians 4:19) "


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