I think when things go wrong or when we are waiting on God for something, (especially if it's ending up to be a long wait) we wonder if we screwed up or took a wrong turn on the proverbial path of life and if so is there a way back? can we get back to where we should be or did we screw things up for good? If we are trusting in God's promises we must not get too discouraged even when we screw thing up (and at times we always will) "God can work all things for Good, who Love Him and are called to His Plan" If we remain teachable and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us we will inevitably become and think more like Jesus over the Years. We will worry less about ourselves and more about the will of the Father's Kingdom and want to join in His plan to bring the Love and His Truth to those that cross our paths, not by accusing, blaming or preaching at them, but building relationships and allowing the Holy Spirit to complet...